English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "geïntegreerd" is:byvoeglike naamwoordkombinasie of koördinering van afsonderlike elemente om 'n harmonieuse, onderling verwante geheel te verskaf.wat mense van verskillende rasse of etniese groepe binne 'n organisasie of samelewing betrek.(van 'n skool, studiekursus, of dies meer) wat verskeie vakke of studierigtings kombineer om meer te wees omvattend.(van 'n stroombaan of toestel) wat so gebou is om verskeie verskillende funksies as deel van 'n enkele sisteem uit te voer.werkwoord (met objek gebruik), in ·te·grat·ed, in·te·grat·ing.om saam te bring of (dele) in 'n geheel te inkorporeer.om op te maak, te kombineer, of voltooi om 'n geheel of 'n groter eenheid te produseer, soos dele dit doen.om (voorheen gesegregeerde groepe) in 'n enkele entiteit of groep te kombineer.

Sentence Examples

  1. The hotel was integrated into the Beetham Tower, a building that had only been completed in April.
  2. One that his company, Dawn Star Integrated Systems, had occupied the front row of for three-plus years.
  3. Stop by Grey Sports Complex to test the ridiculous new systems that were integrated into our curiously modernized athletic facility.
  4. Yes, a primal urge for survival integrated in his DNA.
  5. Of its own will, the violet orb sped to the body in the capsule, was absorbed through the left eye, and immediately integrated its physical form with the soft tissue of the brain.
  6. Humans had survived for millennium survival was integrated into people.
  7. He has to know that all the pieces will be integrated without weak links to endanger the business.
  8. Whatever animalistic impulses they integrated into whatever nanotechnology they injected him with amplified.