English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "instrument" is:'n Gereedskap of toestel wat vir 'n bepaalde doel gebruik word, veral vir wetenskaplike of musikale doeleindes.'n Betekenis om iets uit te druk of te bereik.'n Regsdokument, soos 'n akte of kontrak, wat dien om 'n ooreenkoms of vervoer van eiendom te formaliseer.

Sentence Examples

  1. These lashings, like the chords of a stringed instrument, resounded as if vibrated by a violin bow.
  2. Monsieur Dumas, and his worthy coadjutor Monsieur Etienne, have pronounced that they were inflicted by some obtuse instrument and so far these gentlemen are very correct.
  3. Thus was celebrated the inauguration of this great railroad, a mighty instrument of progress and civilisation, thrown across the desert, and destined to link together cities and towns which do not yet exist.
  4. He reached into the case and pulled out an instrument.
  5. Kayla opened her backpack and withdrew a long, wand-like instrument that also doubled as a handheld drill.
  6. An eerie glow burgeoned at the end of the strange instrument.
  7. Holding the instrument thus obtained within my teeth, I now proceeded to untie the knot of my cravat.
  8. The instrument ignited like a sparkler, triggering a violent eruption in the very fabric of the world.
  9. Thunderous clapping filled the auditorium as men and women began to file onto the stage from behind the drawn curtains, each one dressed in black satin pants and vests and carrying an instrument.
  10. Ralph had sustained trauma to his mid-section, most likely caused by a sharp instrument, but the official cause of death had been blood loss.