English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "instant" is:onmiddellik gebeur of vervaardig; oombliklik'n baie kort tydperk; oomblik'n porsie kos of drank wat vinnig en maklik voorberei word, wat gewoonlik die byvoeging van warm water of 'n ander vloeistof vereis.Voorbeelde:Ek het 'n kitsantwoord op my e-pos nodig.Die ongeluk het in 'n kits gebeur.Ek het vanoggend 'n kitskoffie gemaak.


  1. clamant
  2. insistent
  3. exigent
  4. crying

Sentence Examples

  1. Stupid of me to think even for an instant that I could walk in here and not be recognised, name badge or none.
  2. One of the dogs yelped, causing me to glance away for an instant, so I missed how she executed her next move.
  3. For an instant, I swore there was an odd gleam at the back of his eyes, but perhaps it was a trick of the light.
  4. The magical backlash hit me at that instant, knocking both of us into the wall.
  5. For an instant, I thought I was at home, safe in my box-like room.
  6. He took it from her shaking hand and examined it, all doubt disappearing the instant he saw it.
  7. The instant my foot touched the metal floor, magic flowed over me, and I drew it in and unleashed it in a second level blast that ought to have taken all of them off their feet, at least.
  8. I see in an instant that the ash has fallen into several heaps in the foreground.
  9. It was in that instant I felt a sense of security about the future, as though reestablishing a friendship with Maggie might help me move forward.
  10. She remembered everything in an instant, letting out a scream as she saw the tall man standing over her.