English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "verraderlik" is:Om op 'n geleidelike, subtiele manier te werk, maar met skadelike gevolge.Verraderlik of bedrieglik op 'n subtiele manier. Bedoel om vas te trek of te bedrieg.Met ander woorde, iets wat verraderlik is, is dikwels gevaarlik of skadelik, maar dit is nie onmiddellik sigbaar of ooglopend nie. Dit kan op 'n geleidelike, amper onmerkbare manier werk, wat stadig skade of skade veroorsaak sonder om opgemerk te word. Boonop kan iets verraderlik ook bedrieglik of misleidend wees, met die bedoeling om mense vas te vang of in 'n skadelike situasie te lok.

Sentence Examples

  1. There was scrub and long grass all about us, and I did not feel safe from their insidious approach.
  2. It was an insidious undertow that could suck one beneath the ocean in a moment and hold a person there for what felt an eternity.
  3. Reaching out with his remaining arm, the Dweller tried to crawl away from the insidious Kleinmasch and get to cover.
  4. They squirmed and crawled together, and it hurt with a raw, insidious pain that burrowed through to the core of his being.
  5. Could it really be an ingredient in a drug insidious enough to have sparked such slaughter on the acropolis island?
  6. Heyward withdrew to the rampart, too uneasy and too little accustomed to the warfare of the woods to remain at ease under the possibility of such insidious attacks.
  7. She meant to take her in the carriage, leave her at the Abbey Mill, while she drove a little farther, and call for her again so soon, as to allow no time for insidious applications or dangerous recurrences to the past, and give the most decided proof of what degree of intimacy was chosen for the future.