English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "kranksinnigheid" is 'n toestand van ernstig geestesongesteldheid, of 'n toestand waarin 'n persoon se verstandelike vermoƫ ernstig aangetas is en hul gedrag buite die gebied van normale samelewingsverwagtinge is. Waansin kan gekenmerk word deur waanbeelde, hallusinasies, versteurde denke en spraak, uiterste emosionele onstabiliteit en 'n gebrek aan insig of bewustheid van 'n mens se eie toestand. Die term "kranksinnigheid" word ook soms informeel gebruik om gedrag te beskryf wat uiters dwaas, irrasioneel of absurd is.

Sentence Examples

  1. There was barely any room to breathe in the throng that pulsed with the prospect of instant insanity.
  2. What insanity would follow President Thomas being killed by his own Secret Service?
  3. My first press trip and I so wanted to escape the insanity of New Orleans and enjoy my new career, embrace the exciting new life that I valiantly created for myself.
  4. People who had no clue what insanity was happening so close by.
  5. Soon, her borrowed magic will disappear and insanity will begin to plague her.
  6. I wanted to jump on a plane and be with him forever, but it felt like insanity.
  7. He pounds into me hard and fast, working me to the brink of insanity.
  8. Oh, how that would be such a sweet ending to this insanity of seeing ghosts.
  9. Like the insanity of the past few days had unhinged me, I thought it might actually work.
  10. In the beginning, it was thought that they were just partaking in a mindless whirlwind of insanity and infection.