English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "inkwisisie" verwys na 'n selfstandige naamwoord met verskeie verwante betekenisse. Hier is die primêre woordeboekdefinisies:Historiese definisie: Die Inkwisisie verwys na 'n Middeleeuse kerklike hofstelsel wat deur die Rooms-Katolieke Kerk gevestig is, veral gedurende die 13de tot 15de eeue. Die primêre doel daarvan was om dwaalleer en onenigheid te ondersoek en te onderdruk, dikwels deur die gebruik van streng maatreëls, insluitend marteling en teregstelling.Algemene definisie: In 'n breër sin, "inkwisisie" kan verwys na enige streng of intensiewe ondervraging, ondersoek of ondersoek, wat tipies op 'n amptelike of sistematiese wyse uitgevoer word. Dit impliseer dikwels 'n deeglike en meedoënlose strewe na inligting, waarheid of verkeerde dade.Figuurlike definisie: "Inkwisisie" kan ook figuurlik gebruik word om 'n langdurige en indringende ondersoek, ondervraging te beskryf. , of ondersoek uitgevoer deur 'n persoon, groep of organisasie wat soek om inligting te ontbloot of verborge motiewe te ontbloot.Opsommend kan "inkwisisie" verwys na die historiese kerklike hofstelsel , 'n streng ondersoek of ondersoek, of 'n figuurlike intense ondersoek of ondervraging. Die spesifieke betekenis hang af van die konteks waarin die woord gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Before long he discovered that Blanco de Paz, who claimed to be an officer of the Inquisition, was now concocting on false evidence a charge of misconduct to be brought against him on his return to Spain.
  2. His perceptive manner meant the inquisition needed to slow down.
  3. By the policy of Ferdinand and Ximenez the sovereign had been made absolute, and the Church and Inquisition adroitly adjusted to keep him so.
  4. She shook her head and demanded we all eat breakfast before the inquisition.
  5. Upon the first discovery of the corpse, it was not supposed that the murderer would be able to elude, for more than a very brief period, the inquisition which was immediately set on foot.
  6. Then his daughter Mary tried to bring the Spanish Inquisition to England to please her husband.
  7. After several polite attempts to thwart the inquisition, Mary did something I have never witnessed in polite conversation.
  8. We remained six days in Velez, at the end of which the renegade, having informed himself of all that was requisite for him to do, set out for the city of Granada to restore himself to the sacred bosom of the Church through the medium of the Holy Inquisition.
  9. Refusing to entertain his inquisition, Kallan shuffled through the mulch and grass.
  10. When I have returned you will be master of all the facts, and we can then better enter on our inquisition.