English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aangebore" is: bestaan in 'n persoon of dier vanaf geboorte; ingebore; inherent; natuurlike. Dit verwys na kwaliteite, kenmerke of vermoëns wat vanaf die begin van 'n mens se lewe aanwesig is, sonder om deur ervaring of opvoeding aangeleer of aangeleer te word. Dit kan ook gebruik word om 'n gedrag of 'n neiging te beskryf wat instinktief of inherent aan 'n spesifieke spesie of individu is.


  1. inborn
  2. congenital

Sentence Examples

  1. An innate sense of fair play held him back, a growing respect.
  2. Their worship of her was innate, from man to woman.
  3. Brooke had the innate feeling someone or something was following her.
  4. You would have trained to use your innate talents and develop others if you had grown up in the towers.
  5. An innate guilty conscience or fear lurked in even the most do-goody sorts.
  6. Only a few individuals, the ones born with innate talent and great lung capacity, are able to stay on tune, harmonize, and belt out lyrics that move people.
  7. Would that be enough to let her ignore her innate desire to obey, to defy his order?
  8. In a way utterly alien to him, he extended a sense of calm outward from his center to envelope the man, fighting the innate impatience threatening to swamp his efforts.
  9. Such pieces are only valuable when they display what we can only express by the contradictory phrase of innate experience.
  10. Eventually, that need for instant gratification became innate.