English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "beseer" is 'n werkwoord wat verwys na fisiese skade of skade aan iemand of iets veroorsaak. Dit kan ook metafories gebruik word om skade aan of skade aan 'n persoon se gevoelens, reputasie of belangstellings aan te dui. Hier is die woordeboekdefinisies van "beseer" uit die Merriam-Webster Woordeboek:Om iemand of iets skade aan te doen of fisiese of emosionele pyn of lyding toe te dien. Voorbeeld: Die ongeluk het verskeie mense beseer.Om iemand se fisiese of geestelike welstand te benadeel of te beskadig. Voorbeeld: Die val het haar enkel beseer.Om die reputasie, belange of regte van iemand of iets te benadeel. Voorbeeld: Die skandaal het sy politieke loopbaan beseer.Om skade aan of skade aan iets se kwaliteit, waarde of toestand te veroorsaak. Voorbeeld: Die storm het die gewasse beseer.Om 'n wet, reël of kontrak te oortree of te oortree. Voorbeeld: Hy het die bepalings van die ooreenkoms beseer.Opsommend verwys "beseer" na die veroorsaking van skade, skade of besering fisies, emosioneel of metafories.


  1. hurt

Sentence Examples

  1. This having been done, steps were taken to ransom our three comrades, so as to enable them to quit the baño, and lest, seeing me ransomed and themselves not, though the money was forthcoming, they should make a disturbance about it and the devil should prompt them to do something that might injure Zoraida for though their position might be sufficient to relieve me from this apprehension, nevertheless I was unwilling to run any risk in the matter and so I had them ransomed in the same way as I was, handing over all the money to the merchant so that he might with safety and confidence give security without, however, confiding our arrangement and secret to him, which might have been dangerous.
  2. The humans made no attempt to go through the herd or force them to move, lest they cause a stampede or injure one of the animals.
  3. Enchanters have persecuted me, enchanters persecute me still, and enchanters will continue to persecute me until they have sunk me and my lofty chivalry in the deep abyss of oblivion and they injure and wound me where they know I feel it most.
  4. I should have feared to injure both Edmond and yourself, had I divulged my own apprehensions to a soul.
  5. He applauded her pious resolution, and offered to accompany her whithersoever she wished, and to protect her father against the kinsmen of Don Vicente and all the world, should they seek to injure him.
  6. The moon will not sour milk nor taint meat of mine, nor will the sun injure my furniture or fade my carpet, and if he is sometimes too warm a friend, I find it still better economy to retreat behind some curtain which nature has provided, than to add a single item to the details of housekeeping.