English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "inlig" is 'n werkwoord met veelvuldige betekenisse. Hier is die mees algemene woordeboekdefinisies van "inlig":Om kennis of inligting aan iemand te gee: Hierdie betekenis verwys na die handeling om feite, besonderhede of kennis aan iemand oor te dra, dikwels met die bedoeling om hulle bewus of kundig oor iets te maak. Voorbeeld: "Stel my asseblief in van enige veranderinge in die skedule."Om noodsaaklike of nodige inligting te verskaf: Hierdie betekenis impliseer die deel van belangrike besonderhede of instruksies wat vir 'n spesifieke doel vereis word . Voorbeeld: "Die handleiding sal jou inlig oor die behoorlike werking van die toestel."Om vorm of struktuur aan iets te gee: Hierdie betekenis suggereer die proses om die karakter te vorm of te beïnvloed , aard of wese van iets. Voorbeeld: "Sy ervarings as 'n kind het sy benadering tot ouerskap ingelig."Om as bewys op te tree of aanduidend van iets te wees: Hierdie betekenis verwys na die gebruik van feite of bewyse om 'n bepaalde gevolgtrekking of om as aanduiding van iets te dien. Voorbeeld: "Die vingerafdrukke wat op die misdaadtoneel gevind is, het die ondersoek ingelig."Om as 'n bron van inspirasie of kennis te dien: Hierdie betekenis dui daarop dat dit 'n beduidende invloed of 'n verwysingspunt is. vir idees, kreatiwiteit of begrip. Voorbeeld: "Die werke van Shakespeare het talle skrywers deur die geskiedenis ingelig."Hierdie definisies illustreer die verskillende maniere waarop die woord "inlig" in verskeie kontekste gebruik kan word, met die klem op die oordrag van kennis, invloed, bewyse of leiding.

Sentence Examples

  1. When he looked up to stretch his aching back he saw from the window that the light of the day was disappearing fast, but he felt at last in a position to inform Richard of what he had at Burton.
  2. He went at once to see Camilla, and tell her, as he did, all that had passed between him and her handmaid, and the promise she had given him to inform him matters of serious importance.
  3. It will be arranged between them how they are to inform each other of their good or evil fortunes, and the princess will entreat him to make his absence as short as possible, which he will promise to do with many oaths once more he kisses her hands, and takes his leave in such grief that he is well-nigh ready to die.
  4. Sheriff Montague directed her team to bring the coroner onsite while Connor called my father to inform him of tragedy.
  5. Thus, then, several days went by, and Lothario, without uttering a word to Camilla, reported to Anselmo that he had talked with her and that he had never been able to draw from her the slightest indication of consent to anything dishonourable, nor even a sign or shadow of hope on the contrary, he said she would inform her husband of it.
  6. By means of a ransomed fellow-captive the brothers contrived to inform their family of their condition, and the poor people at Alcalá at once strove to raise the ransom money, the father disposing of all he possessed, and the two sisters giving up their marriage portions.
  7. Jack had bid Mat ride ahead by a day and inform the inhabitants of his pending arrival, and he saw him too, accompanying the overweight retainer.
  8. The moment would not be one to relish if he had to inform their employer that, albeit temporarily, the mercenary leader he had hired was indisposed.
  9. If he was, then, of course, Pierce would inform Robert.
  10. I have also to inform you that, whether it was calm weather or stormy, I found myself always immediately between the moon and the earth.