English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van verliefdheid is 'n sterk en dikwels kortstondige gevoel van bewondering of aangetrokkenheid vir iemand of iets, gewoonlik gebaseer op oppervlakkige eienskappe. Dit word dikwels gekenmerk deur intense emosies en kan lei tot irrasionele gedrag of besluite. Verliefdheid word gewoonlik as minder diep en langdurig beskou as ware liefde of toegeneentheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. If I were the sort to be susceptible to a good-looking man, I might have succumbed to a giggling infatuation on the spot.
  2. She had told herself time and again that her adoration of him had been nothing more than a childish infatuation.
  3. Then the others got bored and started to mock Cedric for his infatuation with you.
  4. Mary mentioned my infatuation with talented musicians, but I stopped her.
  5. Here one curses her and calls her capricious, fickle, and immodest, there another condemns her as frail and frivolous this pardons and absolves her, that spurns and reviles her one extols her beauty, another assails her character, and in short all abuse her, and all adore her, and to such a pitch has this general infatuation gone that there are some who complain of her scorn without ever having exchanged a word with her, and even some that bewail and mourn the raging fever of jealousy, for which she never gave anyone cause, for, as I have already said, her misconduct was known before her passion.
  6. Every look he gave her spoke volumes about his attraction and infatuation for her, yet some of his words seemed to brush that away.
  7. Emma, your infatuation about that girl blinds you.
  8. We look back at this ignorance, or infatuation, whichever it may be called, with wonder, knowing that the neglect of an eminence, whose difficulties, like those of Mount Defiance, have been so greatly exaggerated, would, at the present time, prove fatal to the reputation of the engineer who had planned the works at their base, or to that of the general whose lot it was to defend them.
  9. From the time when the Amadises and Palmerins began to grow popular down to the very end of the century, there is a steady stream of invective, from men whose character and position lend weight to their words, against the romances of chivalry and the infatuation of their readers.
  10. To anyone watching the scene, the growing infatuation between Dylan and Adelita was undeniable.