English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "traagheid" is die neiging van 'n voorwerp om in 'n toestand van rus of uniforme beweging in 'n reguit lyn te bly, tensy 'n eksterne krag daarop inwerk. Met ander woorde, dit is die weerstand van 'n voorwerp teen enige verandering in sy beweging, of dit nou in spoed, rigting of rustoestand is. Die term "traagheid" kan ook verwys na 'n persoon se onwilligheid om aksie te neem of hul gedrag te verander, selfs wanneer dit voordelig of nodig mag wees.


  1. inactiveness
  2. inactivity

Sentence Examples

  1. She was magnetically attached to the deck plating, and inertia alone would keep her from floating out, but damn it was not good.
  2. Sabienn was hopelessly lost now and was being jostled around while gripping on to a door that inertia was trying to throw him out of.
  3. Even going that fast, she would have to slam on the brakes when she got to the waystation, without the auto-doc providing any mitigation of the inertia.
  4. She reactivated the mag boots because she could feel the pull of inertia kicking in now.
  5. His tatty blazer and brown corduroys spoke of middle-aged inertia, but his shock of dishevelled fair hair gave him an oddly juvenile character.