English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "geïnduseer" is om iets teweeg te bring, te stimuleer of te laat gebeur. Dit kan ook beteken om iemand te oorreed of te beïnvloed om iets te doen. Die woord "geïnduseer" word dikwels in wetenskaplike kontekste gebruik om die proses te beskryf om 'n bepaalde effek of uitkoms deur 'n spesifieke aksie of intervensie te veroorsaak.

Sentence Examples

  1. shiver induced by the stone wall ran through Helena.
  2. Beside him glided Caderousse, whose desire to partake of the good things provided for the wedding party had induced him to become reconciled to the Dantès, father and son, although there still lingered in his mind a faint and unperfect recollection of the events of the preceding night just as the brain retains on waking in the morning the dim and misty outline of a dream.
  3. This simple fact should have induced suspicion, at least, it might be thought.
  4. And among other reasons, I am induced to entrust this arduous task to thee by the consideration that if Camilla be conquered by thee the conquest will not be pushed to extremes, but only far enough to account that accomplished which from a sense of honour will be left undone thus I shall not be wronged in anything more than intention, and my wrong will remain buried in the integrity of thy silence, which I know well will be as lasting as that of death in what concerns me.
  5. Fix was on the point of entering another carriage, when an idea struck him which induced him to alter his plan.
  6. Woodhouse, who had previously made up his mind to walk out, was persuaded by his daughter not to defer it, and was induced by the entreaties of both, though against the scruples of his own civility, to leave Mr.
  7. Finally she decided upon what was the worse course for her, to remain, resolving not to fly from the presence of Lothario, that she might not give food for gossip to her servants and she now began to regret having written as she had to her husband, fearing he might imagine that Lothario had perceived in her some lightness which had impelled him to lay aside the respect he owed her but confident of her rectitude she put her trust in God and in her own virtuous intentions, with which she hoped to resist in silence all the solicitations of Lothario, without saying anything to her husband so as not to involve him in any quarrel or trouble and she even began to consider how to excuse Lothario to Anselmo when he should ask her what it was that induced her to write that letter.
  8. I was terror-stricken, my voice stuck in my throat, and I was in the deepest distress nevertheless I summoned up my strength as well as I could, and in a trembling and piteous voice I addressed such words to him as induced him to stay the infliction of a punishment so severe.
  9. His energy reached her mind, and he induced warmth and pleasure to course through her while rich, coppery liquid slid down his parched throat.
  10. Now, however, it was absolutely to be every preparation was resumed, and very soon after the Churchills had removed to Richmond, a few lines from Frank, to say that his aunt felt already much better for the change, and that he had no doubt of being able to join them for twenty-four hours at any given time, induced them to name as early a day as possible.