English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "individualiseer" is om iets of iemand eiesoortig of uniek te maak, of om iemand as 'n individu eerder as as deel van 'n groep te behandel. Dit kan ook beteken om iets aan te pas of aan te pas om by 'n spesifieke individu of groep te pas.


  1. individualise

Sentence Examples

  1. It is true, we are such poor navigators that our thoughts, for the most part, stand off and on upon a harborless coast, are conversant only with the bights of the bays of poesy, or steer for the public ports of entry, and go into the dry docks of science, where they merely refit for this world, and no natural currents concur to individualize them.