English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ongeskik" is 'n ligte siekte of 'n tydelike fisiese of geestelike toestand wat ongemak of 'n gebrek aan gewilligheid om iets te doen veroorsaak. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gevoel van onwilligheid of huiwering om aan iets deel te neem. Die term kan gebruik word om 'n toestand van ongemak of ongemak te beskryf wat nie ernstig genoeg is om as 'n ernstige mediese toestand beskou te word nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. The master of the house observing that it was now late and that Anselmo did not call, determined to go in and ascertain if his indisposition was increasing, and found him lying on his face, his body partly in the bed, partly on the writing-table, on which he lay with the written paper open and the pen still in his hand.
  2. But fortunately this was not the case, and the governor left him, convinced that the poor madman, for whom in his heart he felt a kind of affection, was only troubled with a slight indisposition.
  3. During my confinement for want of clothes, and by an indisposition that held me some days longer, I much enlarged my dictionary and when I went next to court, was able to understand many things the king spoke, and to return him some kind of answers.
  4. In the meantime, looking toward the cat, who was again snugly stowed away upon my coat, I discovered to my infinite surprise, that she had taken the opportunity of my indisposition to bring into light a litter of three little kittens.
  5. She had an unhappy state of health in general for the child of such a man, for she hardly knew what indisposition was and if he did not invent illnesses for her, she could make no figure in a message.