English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verkeerd" is nie akkuraat, nie waar nie, of nie in ooreenstemming met die feite of wat algemeen as reg of behoorlik aanvaar word nie. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat verkeerd of foutief is.

Sentence Examples

  1. But it gave birth to dysfunctional abominations like the Transportation Security Administration, stealing iPads, patting down toddlers and detaining old people with colostomy bags for fear of being politically incorrect while angry young underwear bombers were let through.
  2. The written language of the Goblins was full of metaphors that were based on Goblin history, and that made any translation awkward at best and often incorrect.
  3. I did pay very close attention to the rates, which had been incorrect and needed fixing, when I first got the car.
  4. He tried again, but again the sequence was incorrect.