English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "geneig" is om 'n neiging of voorkeur vir iets te hê, of om 'n hoek of skuins te wees. Dit kan ook beteken dat jy geneig is of bereid is om iets te doen, of dat jy 'n bepaalde ingesteldheid of houding jeens iets het. Die woord kan in verskeie kontekste gebruik word, soos om iemand se geestelike of emosionele toestand, fisiese postuur of oriëntasie, of 'n bepaalde rigting of neiging in denke of optrede te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. The prince did not rise, but inclined his head in acknowledgement.
  2. A thing has occurred to me which I am inclined to think will put me out of favour with the duke and duchess but though I am sorry for it I do not care, for after all I must obey my calling rather than their pleasure, in accordance with the common saying, amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas.
  3. But as I delivered myself from that one, I am inclined to believe that there is no other that can hurt me and so, these enchanters, seeing that they cannot exert their vile craft against my person, revenge themselves on what I love most, and seek to rob me of life by maltreating that of Dulcinea in whom I live and therefore I am convinced that when my squire carried my message to her, they changed her into a common peasant girl, engaged in such a mean occupation as sifting wheat I have already said, however, that that wheat was not red wheat, nor wheat at all, but grains of orient pearl.
  4. They were inclined to pull Don Quixote up again, as they could give him no more rope however, they waited about half an hour, at the end of which time they began to gather in the rope again with great ease and without feeling any weight, which made them fancy Don Quixote was remaining below and persuaded that it was so, Sancho wept bitterly, and hauled away in great haste in order to settle the question.
  5. It could be turned flat, and directed upwards or downwards, as well as to the right or left and thus enabled the æronaut to transfer the resistance of the air which in an inclined position it must generate in its passage, to any side upon which he might desire to act thus determining the balloon in the opposite direction.
  6. Anselmo, it is true, was somewhat more inclined to seek pleasure in love than Lothario, for whom the pleasures of the chase had more attraction but on occasion Anselmo would forego his own tastes to yield to those of Lothario, and Lothario would surrender his to fall in with those of Anselmo, and in this way their inclinations kept pace one with the other with a concord so perfect that the best regulated clock could not surpass it.
  7. We asked Vincent to what he attributed them, and he replied that it must have been a bite of some animal, perhaps a rat but, for his own part, he was inclined to think that it was one of the bats which are so numerous on the northern heights of London.
  8. None of them bowed or even inclined their heads in respect as he walked up to them.
  9. With a heart, then, inclined to believe what I have said to thee, attend, my son, to thy Cato here who would counsel thee and be thy polestar and guide to direct and pilot thee to a safe haven out of this stormy sea wherein thou art about to ingulf thyself for offices and great trusts are nothing else but a mighty gulf of troubles.
  10. Theology and medicine may have been the strong points of the university, but the town itself seems to have inclined rather to the humanities and light literature, and as a producer of books Alcalá was already beginning to compete with the older presses of Toledo, Burgos, Salamanca and Seville.