English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "indruk" is:'n idee, gevoel of opinie oor iets of iemand, veral een wat sonder bewuste nadenke of op geringe bewyse gevorm is. Voorbeeld: My indruk van die nuwe kollega is dat sy vriendelik en hardwerkend is.'n Merk of inkeping wat deur druk gemaak word. Voorbeeld: Die perd se hoef het 'n indruk in die sagte modder gelaat.'n kopie van 'n prent, ontwerp of teks wat deur druk of stempel gemaak is. Voorbeeld: Ek moet verskeie indrukke van hierdie logo vir die bemarkingsmateriaal maak.'n handeling om iets op of in iets anders te druk. Voorbeeld: Die tandarts het 'n afdruk van my tande geneem om 'n pasgemaakte tandheelkundige toestel te maak.

Sentence Examples

  1. She was focused on the arrest, but he had the impression that she was assessing his reaction to her words.
  2. Determination was etched in every line of it, yet she also got the impression he was a nice boy, just as he was now a nice man.
  3. Somehow all the volunteers were under the impression they could drop the mounds of shoveled snow on the corner lot.
  4. They were perhaps the rarest of all Adepts, and Kila was under the cynical impression that no one wished to create a crime-fighting team with as much accuracy as would result from the pairing of an Intentionist and an Enforcer.
  5. This one he had commissioned himself and the impression it left was unique, recognisable only to those within his network.
  6. He had the distinct impression that she was not happy to have had to stop and pick him up, and that instilled a sense of urgency in him.
  7. Ursula had certainly made an impression on Coach Oliver too.
  8. He had the impression she was spoiling for a fight.
  9. I got the distinct impression she was hiding something.
  10. Since they were very elderly, their age may have been a factor, but Cianne had the distinct impression that whatever was going on between them was being orchestrated, for the most part, by her father, Moiria, Elder Borean, and Elder Vorfarth.