English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onvolmaak" is:byvoeglike naamwoord:Nie volmaak nie; gebrekkig of onvolledig.Gramatika: dui op 'n tyd, vorm of stemming wat gebruik word om 'n situasie uit te druk wat onwerklik, hipoteties of van 'n ander afhanklik is.selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Tyd, vorm of stemming in baie tale wat gebruik word om 'n situasie uit te druk wat onwerklik, hipoteties of van 'n ander afhanklik is.'n Fout of fout in iets.

Sentence Examples

  1. Every day, when I waited on him, besides the trouble he was at in teaching, he would ask me several questions concerning myself, which I answered as well as I could and by these means he had already received some general ideas, though very imperfect.
  2. A Learned Italian Seizing in his arms the friend so long and ardently desired, Dantès almost carried him towards the window, in order to obtain a better view of his features by the aid of the imperfect light that struggled through the grating.
  3. Remember, my friend, that woman is an imperfect animal, and that impediments are not to be placed in her way to make her trip and fall, but that they should be removed, and her path left clear of all obstacles, so that without hindrance she may run her course freely to attain the desired perfection, which consists in being virtuous.
  4. She warned what is imperfect is flawed, and what is flawed is unfinished.
  5. It was clear that the action of the caloric had been imperfect or unequal.
  6. Men and circumstances generally modify the ideal train of events, so that it seems imperfect, and its consequences are equally imperfect.
  7. They have no remembrance of anything but what they learned and observed in their youth and middle age, and even that is very imperfect and for the truth or particulars of any fact it is safer to depend on common traditions than upon their best recollections.
  8. The deductions from the premises are philosophical and acute but the premises, in two instances, at least, are founded in imperfect observation.
  9. And this was the first time I began to conceive some imperfect idea of courts and ministers.