English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "impak" is:selfstandige naamwoord:die aksie van een voorwerp wat met geweld met 'n ander in aanraking kom.'n merkbare effek of invloed.werkwoord:kom in gewelddadige kontak met 'n ander voorwerp.het 'n sterk effek op iemand of iets.

Sentence Examples

  1. I was on my way to the party when the impact occurred.
  2. I kicked the dreyvern into the nearest wall, my thick boot muting the impact of its armour.
  3. The boy leaped in the way, and the impact sent him sprawling.
  4. The impact barely registered as magic slammed into me again, and this time, it was like an electric shock.
  5. The cannonball hit his stomach with incredible impact, driving the oxygen out of him and sending him skidding across the ground.
  6. Her last encounter with Arantay, however, had a lingering impact, though she tried to push this to the back of her mind.
  7. The impact bruised my knuckles, but Delta almost flipped over in the air, his hover boots knocking him off balance into a group of shoppers.
  8. The impact of the collision and the terror in the aftermath are stuck on replay in my head.
  9. I guessed the impact of the other lawbreaking had hit her again.
  10. Both of them bounced off the door before colliding into his desk with sickening impact.