English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onbeweeglik" is "op 'n manier wat nie verskuif of verander kan word nie; stewig, vas of onveranderlik." Dit verwys na 'n toestand van heeltemal stilstaan, onbuigsaam of onbuigsaam wees. Dit impliseer 'n gevoel van permanensie of standvastigheid, wat aandui dat iets nie vatbaar is vir beweging, verandering of oorreding nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. I turned from them in contempt, and, gazing upward at the earth so lately left, and left perhaps for ever, beheld it like a huge, dull, copper shield, about two degrees in diameter, fixed immovably in the heavens overhead, and tipped on one of its edges with a crescent border of the most brilliant gold.
  2. Whenever the eyes of the wearied travelers rose from the decayed leaves over which they trod, his dark form was to be seen glancing among the stems of the trees in front, his head immovably fastened in a forward position, with the light plume on his crest fluttering in a current of air, made solely by the swiftness of his own motion.