English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "identifikasie" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verskillende betekenisse kan hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:Die handeling of proses om die identiteit van iemand of iets te herken, te benoem of te bewys.Die toestand of toestand van geïdentifiseer of erken.'n Dokument of vorm van bewyse wat 'n persoon se identiteit bewys, soos 'n bestuurslisensie, paspoort of ID-kaart.Die assosiasie of verband van een ding met 'n ander, dikwels gebruik in die konteks van die koppeling of vestiging van 'n verhouding tussen twee entiteite.Die handeling om 'n bepaalde eienskap of kwaliteit aan iemand of iets toe te skryf, dikwels gebruik in die konteks van beskryf of klassifiseer. In sielkunde is die proses om jouself onbewustelik na 'n ander persoon te modelleer of na te boots, wat dikwels in vroeë kinderjare-ontwikkeling gesien word.Neem asseblief kennis dat die betekenisse van woorde kan verskil op grond van hul gebruik en die spesifieke konteks waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. designation

Sentence Examples

  1. Although there was some luck involved with our initial identification of Dave as a possible investor, I told Brian that I had already spent considerable time with Dave to introduce him to the project.
  2. Because the woman had no identification, the police have asked us to notify our viewers of her description in hopes someone may come forward to identify her.
  3. There was an identification card poking out from the guts.
  4. He opened a wallet to show his official identification.
  5. The settings themselves, which we picked out from among the other gold, appeared to have been beaten up with hammers, as if to prevent identification.
  6. His identification has exercised the best critics and baffled all the ingenuity and research that has been brought to bear on it.
  7. Beauvais, not being an idiot, could never have urged, in identification of the corpse, simply hair upon its arm.
  8. His name appeared, along with an OmniLab contract and identification number.
  9. In many of the common areas, the towers use biometric identification.
  10. Harry routed through the desk draws for some identification that would convince the senile man.