English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "histerie" is 'n onbeheerbare uitbarsting van emosie of gedrag, dikwels gekenmerk deur irrasionaliteit, oormatige of oordrewe vertoon van emosie, en soms fisiese simptome sonder 'n bekende mediese oorsaak. Die term word dikwels geassosieer met historiese oortuigings oor geestesongesteldheid en is gebruik om 'n wye reeks sielkundige en emosionele toestande te beskryf, insluitend angs, paniek en selfs dissosiatiewe versteurings. Dit word egter nie meer as 'n geldige diagnostiese term in moderne sielkunde en psigiatrie beskou nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Soon the hysteria gave way to blinding pain in her temple.
  2. At that, Tarkyn broke into laughter tinged with more than a little hysteria.
  3. The collective aura of the entire city was that of an entity gripped in powerful hysteria and panic.
  4. Borderline hysteria and a million questions stared at her, along with the steel-clad control that had seen Jen through so many crises in her life.
  5. Deep in her brain, disbelief spawned a small, ominous bubble of hysteria.
  6. I brought the thoughts inwards, stuffing them far away in my mind, trying to prevent the hysteria that threatened.
  7. The following year I was accused of Monster Hysteria.
  8. In moments, everything had turned into a chaotic fit of hysteria.
  9. I could feel the hysteria rise in my chest as I focused on the door and not on Loi, who shook with suppressed laughter.
  10. Mass hysteria is a potent emotion compressed in a very narrow confine of space.