English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "hipotese" is 'n voorgestelde verduideliking of teorie wat op beperkte bewyse gebaseer is en wat verder getoets kan word deur waarneming, eksperimentering of bykomende bewyse. Met ander woorde, 'n hipotese is 'n opgevoede raaiskoot of voorspelling oor 'n verskynsel of verwantskap tussen veranderlikes wat getoets kan word om die geldigheid daarvan te bepaal. In wetenskaplike navorsing word hipoteses geformuleer om waarnemings of data te verduidelik en die navorsingsproses te lei.

Sentence Examples

  1. Ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis, test with an experiment.
  2. A leak of toxic particles offered a less chilling hypothesis.
  3. According to the hypothesis, a ship would need a huge amount of power to bend space-time.
  4. I felt pretty sure now that my second hypothesis was all wrong.
  5. But that was just the jumping-off point for my new hypothesis.
  6. Quinn doubted he would ever get to test his hypothesis, and would probably never find any evidence to prove his presumptions.