English to afrikaans meaning of

Hipotermie is 'n mediese toestand wat gekenmerk word deur 'n abnormaal lae liggaamstemperatuur, gewoonlik onder 95 grade Fahrenheit (35 grade Celsius). Dit vind plaas wanneer die liggaam vinniger hitte verloor as wat dit hitte kan produseer, wat lei tot 'n daling in liggaamstemperatuur wat lewensgevaarlik kan wees as dit onbehandel word. Simptome van hipotermie kan bewing, verwarring, onduidelike spraak, stadige asemhaling, swak pols en verlies van bewussyn insluit. Hipotermie kan veroorsaak word deur blootstelling aan koue temperature, onderdompeling in koue water, sekere mediese toestande en sekere medikasie. Behandeling behels tipies die herverwarming van die liggaam en die aanspreek van enige onderliggende oorsake van die toestand.

Sentence Examples

  1. Thankfully the water temperature remained fairly mild, so he felt no danger of hypothermia.
  2. He had spooned with her scrawny, stinking self to save her from hypothermia.
  3. He paced around the apartment, hands shaking, teeth chattering like he had hypothermia.
  4. A life jacket will save you from drowning, but hypothermia will still kill you quickly.
  5. Now post-winter, frostbite and hypothermia were no longer threats.
  6. A person would have to hold that coin for quite a while before they were in danger of hypothermia, and frostbite would compel them to put it down first.
  7. She had to regulate her breath to know if frostbite or hypothermia were imminent.
  8. Gangs rendering the hallways free of corpses with shivs and 3inch blades, or stay and die of starvation, thirst, or hypothermia, because this apartment was freezing without heating.
  9. Shaping the water was easy, but freezing it still came with the threat of hypothermia.
  10. Funny thing was, this actually would be nice if not for the trash smells and the murder investigation and the looming hypothermia.