English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "jag" is om na iets of iemand te soek, gewoonlik met die doel om hulle vas te vang, dood te maak of te vind. Dit kan ook verwys na die daad om wilde diere vir sport of kos agterna te jaag, of om op 'n vasberade of sistematiese wyse na iets te soek. Daarbenewens kan die woord "jag" ook verwys na die handeling om inligting of bewyse te soek en in te samel.

Sentence Examples

  1. I look forward to a feast, but first, I head to the bathroom on the hunt for a first aid kit.
  2. They also gained the characteristics of a well-fed housecat, one which will pursue wildlife not because of hunger, but because of the natural instinct to hunt and kill.
  3. Just then, a large tawny owl took off from the trees in that area and swooped down over him before heading off across the river to hunt.
  4. They made it clear, though, that if we made any escape attempt, they would hunt us down quickly and punish us gladly.
  5. It may have been where it all began, as the men left to hunt the women remained to nurture the little ones, forming the first words.
  6. On the hunt for whatever clues I can find, I sit down and switch on his computer.
  7. Arantay followed him, throwing himself into the demon realms beyond, stopping at nothing to hunt down and kill his brother.
  8. Ahead the noise of horses crashing through dried wood and rotting vegetation came to her ears, but the sound seemed to echo from the solid wood around her and it was no easy task to locate the hunt.
  9. In the distance she spied the hunt the desperate hind had almost made it back to the sanctuary of the woods.
  10. On the hunt for some notepaper I riffle through the pile of assorted books and magazines left on top of the small bookcase.

TV Series Examples



"then we'll have a hunt