English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bochelrug" is 'n persoon wie se rug permanent gebuig of gebukkend is as gevolg van 'n abnormale kromming van die ruggraat, wat dikwels veroorsaak word deur 'n mediese toestand genaamd kifose. Die term word ook soms wyer gebruik om te verwys na enige persoon met 'n merkbare skof of kromming in hul rug. Die woord "bogelrug" word dikwels op 'n neerhalende manier gebruik, maar dit is belangrik om te onthou dat mense met kifose of ander rugtoestande met respek en empatie behandel moet word, en nie gestigmatiseer moet word vir hul fisiese verskille nie.


  1. crookback
  2. humpback

Sentence Examples

  1. Sabienn and Bray looked like a married hunchback couple walking together up to the monument.
  2. Sabienn gathered his cloak around his growths like a hunchback and made his swift unsteady way to the facility.
  3. I looked like a hunchback as I hobbled up the sand and onto a rural road that led into a town about a mile away.
  4. Bringing his wings in to a fold behind his back, he pulled on the cloak and looked like a hunchback.
  5. He was pleasantly surprised as this could allow him to cover his wings and look like a hunchback if need be or let them out for comfort to have air if the chance arose.