English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van nederigheid is die kwaliteit om beskeie te wees of 'n lae siening van 'n mens se belangrikheid te hê. Dit behels 'n gewilligheid om 'n mens se beperkinge, onvolmaakthede en foute te erken, en 'n erkenning dat 'n mens nie altyd reg of die belangrikste persoon in 'n gegewe situasie is nie. Nederigheid word dikwels geassosieer met nederigheid, beskeie en respekvol teenoor ander, en kan gesien word as 'n belangrike deug of waarde in baie kulture en gelowe.


  1. humbleness

Sentence Examples

  1. He came up to me, and after several questions, which I answered in great humility, he said we should not die.
  2. With great humility I write to beg your permission to stay in Newport a bit longer.
  3. She answered with great humility that she was called La Tolosa, and that she was the daughter of a cobbler of Toledo who lived in the stalls of Sanchobienaya, and that wherever she might be she would serve and esteem him as her lord.
  4. Nothing, but that the lessons of her past folly might teach her humility and circumspection in future.
  5. They tell me thou dost govern as if thou wert a man, and art a man as if thou wert a beast, so great is the humility wherewith thou dost comport thyself.
  6. Under that degree of intoxication which only acted upon him by demonizing his sense of truth and right, he doubtless said and did much that was wholly irreconcilable with his better nature but, when himself, and as we knew him only, his modesty and unaffected humility, as to his own deservings, were a constant charm to his character.
  7. She was soft and gentle, and carried herself with grace and humility.
  8. Didst thou not mark with what authority I commanded him, and with what humility he promised to do all I enjoined, specified, and required of him?
  9. I wear still the yellow robes of that ancient order with deep humility and love.
  10. But I would have thee bear in mind, Sancho, that very often it is fitting and necessary for the authority of office to resist the humility of the heart for the seemly array of one who is invested with grave duties should be such as they require and not measured by what his own humble tastes may lead him to prefer.