English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vogtig" is om 'n hoë mate van vog of waterdamp in die lug te hê. Dit verwys na die teenwoordigheid van 'n groot hoeveelheid waterdamp in die atmosfeer, wat die lug klam of taai kan laat voel. Humiditeit word gewoonlik gemeet as 'n persentasie van die hoeveelheid waterdamp wat in die lug teenwoordig is, relatief tot die maksimum hoeveelheid wat die lug by 'n gegewe temperatuur kan hou. Hoë humiditeitsvlakke kan die manier waarop ons temperatuur waarneem, beïnvloed, wat warm weer selfs warmer laat voel en koue weer selfs kouer laat voel. Humiditeit kan ook 'n impak op ons gesondheid hê, wat ongemak, asemhalingsprobleme en ander probleme veroorsaak.

Sentence Examples

  1. The odor was abysmally pungent, invading her nose and sticking to her skin like a humid fog.
  2. The air was humid, and moths and insects buzzed around street lights.
  3. The damp corridors closed tighter around them and the air grew impossibly humid and stinking.
  4. I waved goodbye to Michael one last time and watched him drive off, sadness adding weight to the humid night air.
  5. I took it as a good luck omen on this hot, humid day and enjoyed the view of the majestic maples and historic sites along Sherbrooke Street even more.
  6. The breeze had picked up, bringing with it a warm wave of humid air.
  7. The air was humid and smelled liked fish and spicy jambalaya.
  8. The air was stagnant and humid here, and I could hear nothing but the birds.
  9. Then there were the sleepovers with his buddies on cool and humid June nights, staying up late, eating junk food and playing Grand Theft Auto on their PS2s.
  10. A stuffy, humid heat hung thick in the air of the lowest deck.