English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "mens" word tipies as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord of 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik. As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord verwys dit na iets wat verband hou met of kenmerkend van mense is, soos "menslike emosies" of "menslike samelewing." As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys dit na 'n lid van die spesie Homo sapiens, gekenmerk deur intelligensie, gevorderde kommunikasievaardighede en die vermoë om abstrak te redeneer.In 'n breër sin word die term "mens" dikwels gebruik om eienskappe of eienskappe te beskryf wat met mense geassosieer word, soos vriendelikheid, empatie, kreatiwiteit en die vermoë om 'n wye reeks emosies te ervaar. Dit kan ook verwys na die kollektiewe prestasies, aspirasies en uitdagings van die mensdom as geheel, soos in die frase "die menslike ras."

Sentence Examples

  1. The first season highlighted two serial killers, Jack the Ripper and The Human Vampire, causing it to top the charts as a series debut.
  2. That was when I came closest to feeding on a human.
  3. The crab mimicked a human scream as Brooke shot a lightning bolt at its back.
  4. Demons of all shape and size, many indescribably grotesque, others terrifyingly bearing animal or human features, raced towards them.
  5. Would I fire pure magic into a human being, knowing what it would do to them?
  6. Of course, they were never, under any circumstances, to be used on another human, if it could be avoided.
  7. He resembled a human, but with tough grey skin and three small silver nodules above each eyebrow.
  8. Even in the daytime, no one came near this back street, and the sounds of traffic and human noise were a distant hum.
  9. They had slaughtered the owners and were continuing to kill any human that came near.
  10. Crimson lips parted to reveal bright white teeth, too sharp for a human mouth.