English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Hughes" verwys tipies na 'n van van Engelse en Ierse oorsprong. As 'n eienaam kan dit ook verwys na individue of plekke met die naam Hughes.Die woordeboekdefinisie van "Hughes" as 'n van is:selfstandige naamwoord 'n familienaam van Walliese en Ierse oorsprong.Howard (Robard) (1905–76), Amerikaanse nyweraar, rolprentvervaardiger en vlieënier.Langston (James Mercer) (1902–67), Amerikaanse digter, romanskrywer en dramaturg.As 'n eienaam verwys "Hughes" moontlik na plekke soos die Hughes-reeks in Antarktika of die Hughes-stadion in Colorado Staatsuniversiteit.


  1. charles evans hughes

Sentence Examples

  1. Frank swerved around it at the precise moment Hughes saw her, and by the time he squeezed the trigger, Frank had already turned the Chevy a good thirty degrees.
  2. The tilt was barely perceptible, but Hughes was a perceptive guy.
  3. She looked terrible, worse than anyone Hughes had ever seen.
  4. National Coordinator for Security Art Brown was seated on a sofa beside National Security Advisor Mary Hughes.
  5. Hughes shifted his weight and leaned hard into the passenger door to give her a little more space.
  6. Hughes heard no people, no cars, no distant trains, no airplanes, no hum of electricity in the power lines.
  7. Hughes was all about doing things and doing them quietly.
  8. Hughes lowered his first and pointed the Mossberg at the ground.
  9. She, too, raised her hands in the air as if she thought Hughes wanted to take her prisoner.
  10. Hughes could not screw around, and he had to shoot fast.