English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek kan die woord "sweef" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse hê, insluitend:Om in die lug gehang te bly, tipies deur jou vlerke te klap of deur die gebruik van tegnologie soos 'n helikopter of hommeltuig.Om op een plek te bly, veral naby 'n sekere plek of voorwerp, sonder om te beweeg of baie geraas te maak.Om te vertoef of rond te wag, dikwels met 'n gevoel van onsekerheid of huiwering.Om in 'n toestand van besluiteloosheid of onsekerheid te wees, asof jy tussen verskillende opsies of uitkomste beweeg.Sommige voorbeeldsinne wat " sweef" kan die volgende insluit:Die kolibrie het in die lug gesweef en nektar van die blom gedrink.Die helikopter het bo die ongeluksplek gesweef, op soek na oorlewendes.Sy het senuweeagtig naby die deuropening gesweef, onseker of sy moet ingaan.Die span se lot in die uitspeelwedstryde het in die weegskaal gesweef soos die laaste sekondes afgetik het.

Sentence Examples

  1. The hover car dropped so fast, it was all I could do to hang onto the disc-shaped steering wheel.
  2. Though they wore hover boots, they looked like serious businessmen in pressed suits, a sight that ought to have been ridiculous, but was somehow frightening.
  3. Valerian hover cars were smaller than Earth cars, made for one or two people, with transparent covers over the roofs.
  4. And okay, maybe I wanted to test-drive one of their premium hover cars.
  5. I could see the city below, the rows of hover cars clogging the streets and skyways in gleaming lines that reflected the sky, the maze of grey metal buildings.
  6. Below, a city unfolded, skyscrapers piercing the heavens, hover cars swarming the roads between like ants.
  7. A few people whistled and waved clearly, hover boots were still a novelty.
  8. With only one boot, he was forced to hobble, while I pelted through three lanes of hover cars in a zigzag, feet skidding on the odd metal they used in place of tarmac.
  9. The impact bruised my knuckles, but Delta almost flipped over in the air, his hover boots knocking him off balance into a group of shoppers.
  10. I scanned the hover cars and spotted one that I could jump for, parked beside a balcony open over the street.