English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "huisgas" is 'n persoon wat genooi word om in iemand se huis te bly, gewoonlik vir 'n kort tydperk. Hierdie persoon is tipies 'n vriend of familielid wat van buite af kom kuier of vir 'n spesiale geleentheid bly. Daar word van 'n huisgas verwag om respek vir hul gasheer se huis te hê en enige reëls of riglyne te volg wat deur die gasheer gestel word tydens hul verblyf.


  1. house guest

Sentence Examples

  1. Just before I started law classes, William stayed as our houseguest.
  2. Fog settles on the island like an uninvited houseguest, at times so thick it conceals the ocean, and a walk on the sand sounds like crossing a plank floor.
  3. I accept with gratitude and ask for a small indulgence in allowing me to bring an unexpected houseguest.
  4. Parker doubted they were interested in having him as a permanent houseguest, but he knew there were plenty of extra houses.