English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gasvryheid" is die vriendelike en vrygewige ontvangs en vermaak van gaste, besoekers of vreemdelinge. Dit verwys na die daad van gasvry wees, wat behels dat ander welkom, gemaklik en goed versorg voel. Dit kan insluit die aanbied van kos en drank, die verskaffing van 'n gemaklike blyplek en die beoefening van beleefde en hoflike gedrag. Gasvryheid word dikwels geassosieer met die reis- en toerismebedryf, sowel as met sosiale geleenthede en byeenkomste.


  1. cordial reception

Sentence Examples

  1. Martin, no wife in the case she did suspect danger to her poor little friend from all this hospitality and kindness, and that, if she were not taken care of, she might be required to sink herself forever.
  2. But it felt inappropriate to ask any more questions after the elder had provided such hospitality, so she held her tongue.
  3. Krista thought while watching the elder from the entranceway with her arms folded, hugging the towel, still uncomfortable with his show of hospitality.
  4. We will accept that hospitality for tonight, but tomorrow we will be leaving.
  5. Besides, I now considered myself as bound by the laws of hospitality to a people who had treated me with so much expense and magnificence.
  6. Turns out his memory is brighter than his hospitality.
  7. He loved to have the cloth laid, because it had been the fashion of his youth, but his conviction of suppers being very unwholesome made him rather sorry to see any thing put on it and while his hospitality would have welcomed his visitors to every thing, his care for their health made him grieve that they would eat.
  8. He could not repay their hospitality with violence any more than he could remain and break his oath to the ghost or abandon his brother.
  9. Bartlett stood and reached for my cup in a clear sign of dismissal, not one of additional hospitality.
  10. Thomas and his wife are hospitable folk, elderly, and without children, and if the specimen I enjoyed of their hospitality be of the average kind, their lives must be pretty comfortable.

TV Series Examples



The hospitality of Winterfell is yours.