English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "horisontaal" is:byvoeglike naamwoord: parallel aan die vlak van die horison; vlak, plat of selfsselfstandige naamwoord: 'n horisontale lyn of vlak

Sentence Examples

  1. Richard makes a comment about how silly it is to be scared of a little rain and I mentally picture him standing on my street at the moment of the levee break, when the rain was as horizontal as the trees.
  2. For a brief moment his body was horizontal to the ground then, in a smooth, quick motion, he brought his feet in, grabbed the windowsill with his other hand, and righted himself before dropping and tucking into a roll.
  3. The two back-seat passengers, who must have been very cramped since the front seats had been ratcheted back until they were practically horizontal, also got out and stretched their legs.
  4. It had a low ceiling and a floor that meandered from the horizontal with a mind of its own, a bed and no other furniture, but it did have the luxury of a fire in one corner.
  5. And then, a flash of yellow light, a narrow beam of light, exploded into existence before me on the horizontal plane.
  6. I peeked through the horizontal blinds in the living room.
  7. Maddox sighs and looks out the window where the wind is forcing the rain to dance against the parking lot in horizontal sheets.
  8. It was one of the long horizontal ones, split where the upper half could be opened.
  9. The stand was tipped horizontal to the pool, frozen.
  10. I unfastened one of these, and taking two ropes tied them tightly across the rim of the wicker-work from one side to the other placing them about a foot apart and parallel so as to form a kind of shelf, upon which I placed the keg, and steadied it in a horizontal position.