English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Hopi" het 'n paar verskillende betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word:Hopi kan verwys na 'n inheemse Amerikaanse stam wat in noordoostelike Arizona woonagtig is , in die Verenigde State.Hopi kan ook verwys na die taal wat deur lede van die Hopi-stam gepraat word. Hopi is 'n lid van die Uto-Azteekse taalfamilie.In die Hopi-taal self beteken die woord "Hopi" "vreedsame een" of "een wat gemanierd, beskaafd is , en vreedsaam."

Sentence Examples

  1. People looking and acting different was bound to cause tension, even between two such outwardly similar peoples as the Hopi and Navajo.
  2. Riding through the deepening twilight in the rusty pickup truck cab between two Hopi men was a quiet affair except for the constant rattle and squeal of old bolts and factory welds from its chassis, which must have been assembled during the Kennedy administration.
  3. Dozens of Hopi of all ages and sexes looked at him in surprise, and then disgust before either getting up or trying to return to sleep.
  4. The Hopi would let him know soon enough what they wanted in return.
  5. He knew he would not likely find a safe haven like this Hopi village and the Third Mesa Reservation for some time.
  6. Additionally, he learned a great deal from the Hopi about desert survival, medicinal plants, and the history of their people.
  7. A few of the simple snares the Hopi had taught him resulted in the capture of one large jackrabbit.
  8. The Hopi had never come to accept Skull, but had at some point stopped scowling at him.
  9. Yet, life on the Hopi reservation was slow and relaxed to the point that Skull felt a sense of emotional vertigo.
  10. Skull reached out to take it, but the young Hopi set it down with a frightened look at the thin man and scurried away.