English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "eerlik" is soos volg:(bywoord) op 'n eerlike, opregte of egte manier; met integriteit; sonder misleiding of bedrog.Voorbeeld: "Ek kan eerlik sê dat ek nie die geld gesteel het nie."


  1. aboveboard

Sentence Examples

  1. The night had gotten too weird and, honestly, quite scary.
  2. I honestly thought she might have just come from the plastic surgeon.
  3. Do you honestly think you stand a chance against me?
  4. Since they have no basis to honestly judge your actions, what other choice have they?
  5. Honestly ten minutes must have passed since leaving the other room.
  6. Others, however, there are who procure these papers and make use of them honestly, and remain on Christian soil.
  7. Honestly, choosing some boy out of the filthy mob to be your king.
  8. But I must own the truth to your worship, Señor Don Quixote until now I have been under a great mistake, for I believed truly and honestly that the lady Dulcinea must be some princess your worship was in love with, or some person great enough to deserve the rich presents you have sent her, such as the Biscayan and the galley slaves, and many more no doubt, for your worship must have won many victories in the time when I was not yet your squire.
  9. Harker gave us a cup of tea, and I can honestly say that, for the first time since I have lived in it, this old house seemed like home.
  10. I honestly doubt Beth would care, especially four years after the fact, and I also doubt Brian would be very surprised, but none of that matters.