English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "tuisdorp" is die plek waar 'n persoon gebore is of grootgeword het, wat tipies as hul eie beskou word. Dit word dikwels geassosieer met 'n sterk gevoel van gemeenskap en nostalgie vir 'n mens se kinderjare of vormingsjare.

Sentence Examples

  1. Some of them were helpful actually, but Kate had the sense that when she left they were going to both have a huge laugh over the dopey chick who thought she could leave her hometown and make it big in the city.
  2. I knew I had to do something to help my hometown, so I quit my newspaper job and became a volunteer coordinator for a Unitarian Universalist recovery program and started freelance writing on the side.
  3. Real fighting shied away from our hometown much like snow clouds instead we had air raid drills.
  4. The Tree had dealt that card to Shela, her short fuse well-known in their hometown of Rubha.
  5. Her hometown felt cramped and cloying and small during her teenage years, but she later had to admit that it was delightful.
  6. Several inches of densely packed snow and veiled black ice covered the only highway leading to my secluded childhood hometown.
  7. Fridays were always reserved for hometown football.
  8. His books were set in my hometown, and I thought I could probably get a good crowd from there and here in for the event, especially if the restaurants in town might do a special something for folks coming to the reading.
  9. It felt like a movie scene of a small town in the rural Unite States preparing for a hometown football game.
  10. She tended to slide tidbits about people and their goings-on into conversations, coming at them sideways rather than making a full-blown announcement, and yet it was pretty obvious that it would be hard to have any secrets in my new hometown.