English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "treffer" kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike woordeboekdefinisies:Om kragtig en doelbewus te slaan of in aanraking te kom.Om daarin te slaag om 'n teiken, doel of doelwit te bereik of te bereik.Om iets of iemand skade aan te rig.Om gewild of suksesvol te word, veral in vermaaklikheid of sport.'n Geval van slaan of in aanraking kom met iets.'n Suksesvolle of gewilde ding, soos 'n liedjie, fliek of boek.Voorbeelde:Hy slaan die bal met die kolf en dit het oor die heining gevlieg.Sy het haar verkoopsteiken vir die kwartaal getref.Die storm het die kus getref en wydverspreide vernietiging veroorsaak. Die nuwe album het reeds die top van die trefferlyste getref.Ek het 'n harde treffer op die deur gehoor."Bohemian Rhapsody" was 'n groot treffer vir Queen in die 1970's.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was right-handed, but landed a perfect hit with his left hand.
  2. She had a giant egg on the front of her head where she hit the steps.
  3. Luckily, the Braxton Bears hit a triple in the final inning and won the game seven to four.
  4. One stonelike fist hit the wall, inches from my face.
  5. She rushed across campus and back to her dorm room where she convinced herself everything would be okay and that everyone would think Professor Monroe had fallen down the steps and hit her head.
  6. I hit her on the head, thinking I had to stop her.
  7. Hit a button and they went invisible, and so did anything that came into contact with them, including us.
  8. I wanted to hit the fitness center but had no desire to go back to the third floor of Grey Sports Complex given what had last happened there.
  9. Magic was almost invisible here, compared to the Passages, where I could actually see where the backlash would hit.
  10. Was the clarinet still missing because someone had used it to hit Abby on the head?

TV Series Examples



- And who's going to hit you back?



One word and I'll hit you again.



- Why did you hit her?!



Hit me again, over the ear.



Hit him till he finds his feet.