English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sis" is 'n skerp sibilerende klank wat deur 'n persoon of 'n dier gemaak word, tipies om afkeur of woede uit te druk, of om iemand se aandag te trek. Dit kan ook verwys na die geluid wat gemaak word deur gas of stoom te ontsnap. As 'n werkwoord beteken "sis" om so 'n geluid te maak of om op 'n stil, skerp manier te praat, wat dikwels woede of afkeur oordra.


  1. boo

Sentence Examples

  1. He pulled it out with a hiss, staring at it in anger, before throwing it into the trash can.
  2. The doors hiss and roll noisily open, then I just follow the stampede or the shuffling of feet, as the case may be.
  3. He began to get mesmerized by the spinning action when suddenly he was ripped from his daze by a loud hiss.
  4. The curious hiss from before escaped from its leathery lips, and now I could barely make out the words.
  5. There was a snap in the radio audio, then a pop and hiss.
  6. His nostrils flared and his voice came as a hiss through fangs.
  7. Hawke jerked his head in my direction and shot a dirty scowl at Luke, who regarded me for a moment before letting out a frustrated hiss.
  8. Uraj was staggering to its feet, a steady hiss still emitting from its frozen mouth, Symphony still lodged in its plate.
  9. He clenched his teeth, but a hiss escaped his lips.
  10. Besides, the stink of petrol was strong and the hiss and sizzle under the bonnet augured only one thing.