English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Hind" kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlikhede:'n Verkorte vorm van die woord "Hindoestan," wat 'n historiese naam vir Indië is.Die wyfie van die rooihert, 'n hertsoort wat in Europa, Asië en Noord-Afrika voorkom.'n Werkwoord wat beteken om in 'n bepaalde rigting te beweeg of gerig te word, dikwels gebruik in die frase "agterpote" om na die agterpote van 'n dier te verwys.Sonder meer konteks is dit moeilik om te bepaal watter van hierdie betekenisse (of 'n ander betekenis) ) is die mees relevant vir die woord "Hind."

Sentence Examples

  1. The hind burst from the trees and paused for an instant, then, realising the folly of its move, it raced across the open meadow.
  2. In front she saw the lead riders beginning to gain on the hind as they neared the bottom of the gentle valley.
  3. Standing strangely balanced on his two hind legs, he scrutinized me with a predatory stare.
  4. Knowing he needed to finish this before second man joined the fray, Jack spurred his mare forward, hind quarters kicking out she agilely passed the other horse.
  5. The hind, wide-eyed with fear and racing for her life, saw him and in her terror, turned back to face her pursuers.
  6. In the distance she spied the hunt the desperate hind had almost made it back to the sanctuary of the woods.
  7. As the hind made her way towards the trees, Mat came down to meet her, having circled round for this very purpose.
  8. The woman was halfway through butchering the hind with the help of her niece and had told Richard if he wanted water boiling then he could fetch the firewood himself.
  9. The horse reared, preparing to jump the gap in which the stream lay and the hind darted past her saddle.
  10. There was a small stream, an easy jump for the hind, which made it to the other side.