English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "hoog" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Om 'n groot afstand van onder na bo te hê; lank: Voorbeeld: 'n hoë bergpiek.Ver bokant grondvlak geleë of geleë; verhewe: Voorbeeld: 'n hoë balkon.Om op 'n aansienlike of gespesifiseerde hoogte te wees of te bereik: Voorbeeld: 'n hoogspring.Om 'n groot of aansienlike omvang te hê of opwaarts of vertikaal te bereik; verhewe; lank: Voorbeeld: 'n hoë gebou.Om 'n posisie of rang bo ander te hê; meerderwaardig in status of gesag: Voorbeeld: 'n hooggeplaaste amptenaar.Besope of onder die invloed van dwelms: Voorbeeld: hy het hoog op dagga geraak.Om in 'n toestand van euforie te verkeer. of opgewondenheid; groot opgewondenheid of geluk voel: Voorbeeld: sy was op 'n hoogtepunt nadat sy die kompetisie gewen het.Gekenmerk deur of vertoon indrukwekkende vaardigheid, talent of prestasie: Voorbeeld: sy het 'n hoë vlak van vaardigheid in verskeie tale. Gemerk deur 'n intense of uiterste graad; baie groot of intens: Voorbeeld: 'n hoë koors.Hard en deurdringend; skril: Voorbeeld: 'n hoë fluitjie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her thick dark hair was swept in a high ponytail and she wore a smart shirt and trousers which looked odd on her.
  2. This time, we took a different path, one that led down a sloping corridor with fewer doors but more of a static buzz in the air that usually meant magic was high.
  3. I dodged, kicking high at the hand that grabbed for me, and my foot connected with something solid.
  4. The ceilings were vaulted at least twelve feet high and covered in endless cedar planks with knots in all the right places.
  5. All the houses were grand and loomed high between Main Street and the Wharton Mountains in the background.
  6. I waited for his right eyebrow to twitch, signaling the onslaught of a battle, but the high arch never came.
  7. Eustacia Paddington had gone to high school with my nana.
  8. It would be an interesting discussion with my father when he graciously stepped off his high horse and spoke to me again.
  9. At one point, she tried to high kick with the cheerleaders, but after nearly falling into Dean Terry, Nana D calmed down.
  10. Striker and Jordan both told me they were focusing on finishing the semester with their heads held high and a prayer to get accepted into the minor leagues.

TV Series Examples



l don't like high places.



l hope the Wall's high enough.



hiding behind high walls?



Let the High Septon and Baelor the Blessed



You will marry a high lord