English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "hibernasie" is 'n toestand van onaktiwiteit en metaboliese depressie by diere, gekenmerk deur laer liggaamstemperatuur, stadiger asemhaling en verlaagde metaboliese tempo. Tydens winterslaap gaan baie diere in 'n dormante toestand om energie te bespaar en moeilike omgewingstoestande, soos uiterste koue of beperkte voedselbeskikbaarheid, te oorleef. Hibernasie word algemeen waargeneem by bere, vlermuise, knaagdiere en sommige reptiele en amfibieƫ.

Sentence Examples

  1. I remember hearing about her before my hibernation.
  2. The towns we passed were livelier, as though they were stirring from a hibernation many animals had taken as well.
  3. The cold, rather than the light, that dragged Cody from his deep hibernation.
  4. By the time Robert and I had unpacked the food my brother stumbled out of his room, growling like a bear emerging from hibernation.
  5. Upon seeing it, his member that up until then had remained neutral woke up like a rattlesnake after hibernation.
  6. Another one of them, a big one with a yellow shirt, started lumbering toward Flynn, head moving back and forth like he was a surly bear just out of hibernation.
  7. I drove down to Safeway squinting in the afternoon sunlight like a bear coming out of hibernation.
  8. More specifically than our usual repartee, he has broken hibernation to do involuted work on my behalf.
  9. They were locked into hibernation in a secret place by my Mother and Fate.
  10. The furore of excitement from downstairs was loud enough to wake a bear from his winter hibernation.