English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "hierna" is "van nou af; in die toekoms; in 'n toekomstige tyd of toestand; die tyd of bestaan na die dood." Dit kan ook verwys na die lewe wat na die dood kom, of 'n toekomstige toestand of tydperk in die algemeen.


  1. afterlife

Sentence Examples

  1. In a little time, I and my family and friends came to a right understanding, but my wife protested I should never go to sea any more although my evil destiny so ordered that she had not power to hinder me, as the reader may know hereafter.
  2. The gentlemen of the city, to gratify Don Antonio and also to do the honours to Don Quixote, and give him an opportunity of displaying his folly, made arrangements for a tilting at the ring in six days from that time, which, however, for reason that will be mentioned hereafter, did not take place.
  3. But hereafter I will do as much to keep obstacles out of his way as I have done up to this time to put them in his path.
  4. Hereafter a very notorious Roman Emperor will institute this worship in Rome, and thence derive a cognomen, Heliogabalus.
  5. I called my waiting-maid to me, that there might be a witness on earth besides those in Heaven, and again Don Fernando renewed and repeated his oaths, invoked as witnesses fresh saints in addition to the former ones, called down upon himself a thousand curses hereafter should he fail to keep his promise, shed more tears, redoubled his sighs and pressed me closer in his arms, from which he had never allowed me to escape and so I was left by my maid, and ceased to be one, and he became a traitor and a perjured man.
  6. There were, however, many particulars inducing me to believe that my average rate of travelling might possibly very much exceed that of thirty miles per hour, and, as these considerations did not fail to make a deep impression upon my mind, I will mention them more fully hereafter.
  7. Hereafter it may be of interest to you to see how true you guess.
  8. I told her that she was to have all the papers in the safe, and all the papers or diaries and phonographs we might hereafter use and was to keep the record as she had done before.
  9. Its reception into the Union was a precedent which may have far-reaching effects hereafter, when the Pole and the Tropics may hold alliance to the Stars and Stripes.
  10. Strange as it all was, bizarre as it may hereafter seem even to us who felt its potent influence at the time, it comforted us much and the silence, which showed Mrs.