English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Veewagter is 'n persoon wat 'n trop diere, soos beeste, skape of bokke, oppas en bestuur. Die verantwoordelikhede van 'n veewagter sluit tipies in om die diere te voer en water te gee, hulle van een weiveld na 'n ander te verskuif, hul gesondheid en gedrag te monitor, en om hulle teen roofdiere of ander bedreigings veilig te hou. In sommige gevalle kan 'n veewagter ook verantwoordelik wees vir die teel of uitskot van die diere in die trop.


  1. drover
  2. herder

Sentence Examples

  1. From that time he had watched them, and profiting by the moment when her lover had left her alone, had carried her off, and believed he at length had her in his power, when the ball, directed by the unerring skill of the young herdsman, had pierced his heart.
  2. It is now I know not how many months since with this object I came here, where I met a herdsman who engaged me as his servant at a place in the heart of this Sierra, and all this time I have been serving him as herd, striving to keep always afield to hide these locks which have now unexpectedly betrayed me.
  3. I have looked after the wild stock of the town, which give a faithful herdsman a good deal of trouble by leaping fences and I have had an eye to the unfrequented nooks and corners of the farm though I did not always know whether Jonas or Solomon worked in a particular field to-day that was none of my business.
  4. They, persuaded that it was grief at finding himself vanquished, and the object of his heart, the liberation and disenchantment of Dulcinea, unattained, that kept him in this state, strove by all the means in their power to cheer him up the bachelor bidding him take heart and get up to begin his pastoral life, for which he himself, he said, had already composed an eclogue that would take the shine out of all Sannazaro had ever written, and had bought with his own money two famous dogs to guard the flock, one called Barcino and the other Butron, which a herdsman of Quintanar had sold him.