English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kruie" hou verband met of gemaak van kruie, veral dié wat gebruik word om gesondheid te bevorder of siekte te behandel. Die term "kruie" word dikwels gebruik in die konteks van tradisionele of alternatiewe medisyne, waar natuurlike middels afkomstig van plante gebruik word om genesing en welstand te bevorder. Voorbeelde van kruiemiddels sluit in tee, tinkture en aanvullings gemaak van kruie soos echinacea, ginkgo biloba en kamille.

Sentence Examples

  1. Luke stopped in front of a hippy looking herbal shop.
  2. Emerging from the shower, she opened a box marked herbal .
  3. It was a drop-in centre run by Blue Moon monks for people to relax and sip herbal tea.
  4. Belladona, taken properly as a tincture blended into any of a long list of herbal teas, unlocked the gate to the heavenly kingdom.
  5. The carved hilt felt heavy in her hand as she dipped it in the bowl of herbal paste next to it and rubbed the green mixture into the cold onyx with her quivering fingers.
  6. After Hope added the herbal brew to the cup, a fragrant aroma filled the air.
  7. On this shop, a vines-and-flowers motif had been used with the words Herbal Lotions and Potions printed in a fluid script.
  8. Usually, meditation, some herbal supplements, and routine kept her from waking up, throat raw from screams and body trembling - but any significant-enough disruption to her schedule could bring them back.
  9. Sorcha had lit a fire in the room and provided herbal tea, coffee, and cookies.
  10. While Myriam selected a cup of herbal tea and a fruit salad, I ordered a double espresso and a slice of coffee cake, needing the extra boost.