English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kruie" is 'n plant met 'n sagte stam wat aan die einde van die groeiseisoen doodgaan, of enige plant wat vir geurmiddels, kos, medisyne of parfuum gebruik word. Kruie word oor die algemeen van struike en bome onderskei deur hul kleiner grootte, en deur die feit dat hulle nie houtagtig is nie. Voorbeelde van kruie sluit pietersielie, basiliekruid, tiemie en roosmaryn in.

Sentence Examples

  1. Which meant Pandora needed more than a hint of a smell that might have been a mysterious herb.
  2. The herb sparkled as it spread out drifting down in an impenetrable and invisible protective shell.
  3. He ordered fish broiled with an herb from Norway, then shrimp sautéed in the style of New Orleans.
  4. Into these pavilions he admitted the elect, and there, says Marco Polo, gave them to eat a certain herb, which transported them to Paradise, in the midst of ever-blooming shrubs, ever-ripe fruit, and ever-lovely virgins.
  5. I should like to go farther, and give reasons to show that it is advisable to choose those who are to hold so necessary an office in the state, but this is not the fit place for it some day I will expound the matter to someone able to see to and rectify it all I say now is, that the additional fact of his being a sorcerer has removed the sorrow it gave me to see these white hairs and this venerable countenance in so painful a position on account of his being a pimp though I know well there are no sorceries in the world that can move or compel the will as some simple folk fancy, for our will is free, nor is there herb or charm that can force it.
  6. Come with me, friend John, and you shall help me deck the room with my garlic, which is all the way from Haarlem, where my friend Vanderpool raise herb in his glass-houses all the year.
  7. I crush the violet herb, rub it between my fingertips, and sprinkle it in the pitcher.
  8. I wondered if she was also familiar with our local herb.
  9. Randi pulled out a pouch of the dried herb and passed it to the wizard.
  10. Mom had thought it fabulously witty to name a baby witch after a herb with great magical benefits.