English to afrikaans meaning of

"hennep" word gedefinieer as 'n lang wyd gekweekte Asiatiese kruie (Cannabis sativa) van die moerbeifamilie met taai vesel, wat algemeen gebruik word om tou, papier en tekstiele te maak, en ook die psigo-aktiewe stof tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) lewer. wat in dagga gevind word.


  1. cannabis

Sentence Examples

  1. I feel more like a citizen of the world at the sight of the palm-leaf which will cover so many flaxen New England heads the next summer, the Manilla hemp and cocoa-nut husks, the old junk, gunny bags, scrap iron, and rusty nails.
  2. The heroes, the joke is they eat cobras and their underlings venom the poppies and hemp instead of watering.
  3. The cries of the fakirs were just ceasing the Indians were in the act of plunging themselves into the drunkenness caused by liquid opium mingled with hemp, and it might be possible to slip between them to the temple itself.
  4. The smell of wet canvas and hemp hit him like a fist, but he hauled the nearest coil of rope outside.
  5. Dropping suddenly to his knees, Richard swung himself easily over the edge, his weight on a hemp rope tied to the mooring bollard above.
  6. Sir Francis, who was familiar with the effects of the intoxication produced by the fumes of hemp, reassured his companions on her account.
  7. The young woman had again fallen into a stupor caused by the fumes of hemp, and passed among the fakirs, who escorted her with their wild, religious cries.
  8. Then the foolish criminal is taken, imprisoned, interrogated, confronted, confounded, condemned, and cut off by hemp or steel or if she be a woman of any consideration, they lock her up for life.