English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van "onbedagsaam" is op 'n manier wat 'n gebrek aan sorg of aandag toon; roekeloos of onnadenkend. Dit is 'n bywoord wat 'n handeling of gedrag beskryf wat gekenmerk word deur nie ag te slaan of onverskillig te wees nie.


  1. carelessly

Sentence Examples

  1. There too I admired, though I did not gather, the cranberries, small waxen gems, pendants of the meadow grass, pearly and red, which the farmer plucks with an ugly rake, leaving the smooth meadow in a snarl, heedlessly measuring them by the bushel and the dollar only, and sells the spoils of the meads to Boston and New York destined to be jammed, to satisfy the tastes of lovers of Nature there.
  2. The large buds, suddenly pushing out late in the spring from dry sticks which had seemed to be dead, developed themselves as by magic into graceful green and tender boughs, an inch in diameter and sometimes, as I sat at my window, so heedlessly did they grow and tax their weak joints, I heard a fresh and tender bough suddenly fall like a fan to the ground, when there was not a breath of air stirring, broken off by its own weight.