English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "swaar" is:tot 'n groot mate of mate; intens; op 'n wyse wat gekenmerk word deur 'n groot gewig, krag of druk; met baie moeite, moeite of lyding; op 'n stadige of trae manier.'n Paar voorbeelde van gebruik:Sy het swaar asemgehaal nadat sy vir 'n uur gehardloop het.Die reën het swaar geval heeldag gister.Swaar gewapende troepe het die strate gepatrolleer.Die maatskappy is hewig gekritiseer vir sy behandeling van werkers.Sy het sterk staatgemaak op haar vriende vir ondersteuning tydens 'n moeilike tyd.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her eyelids were heavily coated with sparkly shades of gold, and her fruity perfume blasted through the front end like a bad air freshener.
  2. Solitude had often weighed heavily on her, but between the prospect of spending the entire day with Lach, concealing her distress from him, and having to put on a good show for the assembly that night, she longed to be alone.
  3. Do you try to live one day at a time, or do thoughts of the future figure heavily in your day?
  4. She turned back to the bloodrock, contemplating the six heavy bags, and sighed heavily.
  5. At the town centre, with its small supermarket, bus stop and social club, a planting of mature eucalypts, many leaning heavily to the east, line the road.
  6. Tarensen inhaled heavily before giving out his commands.
  7. With hands linked and arms locked straight, she pushed heavily onto his chest.
  8. I shook my head, slightly dazed and breathing heavily from the fight.
  9. He promised to show me, but I was too heavily pregnant to make my way along the steep and rocky path, and then the baby came and we never went.
  10. She exhaled heavily, then shut her door and followed him.