English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "heide" is soos volg:Selfstandige naamwoord:'n Gebied van oop onbewerkte grond, veral in Brittanje, bedek met lae- groeiende, dikwels houtagtige plantegroei soos heide, gors of grasse.'n Struikveldhabitat wat gekenmerk word deur laaggroeiende, dikwels immergroen struike, wat in streke met suur of onvrugbare grond voorkom.Let wel: Die betekenis van 'n woord kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Dit is altyd 'n goeie praktyk om na 'n betroubare woordeboek te verwys vir akkurate definisies van woorde.

Sentence Examples

  1. So finally we decided that we would take it to the Heath, and when we heard a policeman coming, would leave it where he could not fail to find it we would then seek our way home as quickly as we could.
  2. he still, without doubt, sleeps, lost, forgotten, beneath the rock the shepherds of the heath take for the gigantic abode of a dolmen.
  3. Six foxhounds burst at once upon the little heath, with mingling yelps of triumph.
  4. I passed the night under the shelter of a rock, strewing some heath under me, and slept pretty well.
  5. They walked, then, across the heath, which stretched between the mole and the cavern, listening to every noise, in order better to avoid an ambush.
  6. They checked their bracers and fell in behind Heath.
  7. The police of the division have been instructed to keep a sharp look-out for straying children, especially when very young, in and around Hampstead Heath, and for any stray dog which may be about.
  8. He had seen, spread on the neighboring heath, the human remains which had stained with clouted blood the scattered stones among the flowering broom.
  9. Those fellows behind were hefty men on their native heath.
  10. All round this garden, in the uncultivated parts, red partridges ran about in conveys among the brambles and tufts of junipers, and at every step of the comte and Raoul a terrified rabbit quitted his thyme and heath to scuttle away to the burrow.